Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Random musing...it's been a while.

Great shaded spot accompanied by the perfect cool breeze overlooks the county park my house. You can see the playgrounds of the Elementary school Terrence will go to in a few more years. It's about noon so the school kids are out running and playing. You can hear their screams and laughter echo all the way to this spot.

The 4S community has a bunch of different parks and playgrounds but this is the big one. There are four baseball diamonds, a soccer field, couple of lighted tennis courts, two full size basketball court and hockey rink. Also onsite is the Boys and Girls club so there is an activity center, a full indoor gym with hardwood floors and basketball courts, as well as a swimming pool/lap pool. There's even a water slide at the swimming pool you can pay extra to peruse. Walking trails flank the park and a little pond off in the distant end of the park.

On occasions, I would take Terrence here so he can play on the slide and swing set. I can imagine him and his cousins disappearing off to the park to play and swim in the not so distant future. Yesterday, he opened the front door and stepped out unsupervised for the first time. So it's only a matter of time. Luckily for us, he only stepped out far enough to ring the door bell. The allure of ringing the door bell is too much I suppose.

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