Monday, September 29, 2008

More photos...


My wifey enjoyed the photos so much from the last session. She wanted to see more. So here are a few more from the same session. Enjoy!

Any hole, crevice or opening...and you're bound to see the head stick through it.2890621237_685e17d598


I am not certain what this wheel controls but Terrence spins it like he knows.

Another one in desat b/w. There's just a hint of color.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pregnant momma...Hot mamma....


Was in the studio working on high key lighting and what's a better subject than a pregnant belly. Here's a couple of grabs from the lighting test. When you're pregnant, your skin looks so healthy and it glows. Pictures help to commemorate the occasion. Isn't it fun to have a studio at home?



Friday, September 26, 2008

More of Terrence at the old Poway train park


I was inspired to sieze the day yesterday and get out for a couple of hours, explore some new shooting grounds and keep growing my skillset. It was definitely hard playing photographer, lighting assistant and watchful parent in the super hot weather. I was sweating like a pig. Terrence was running all over the place, so I couldn't get him lit up like I intended. And not to mention it was nearing his nap time.

Lil Terrence was able to run around, explore, get down and dirty and simply be a kid. He's definitely growing and looking more like a toddler everytime I look at the photos. To think he is barely 17months. Those of you with little ones of your own, they really do grow fast. It appears to me that they look the same each day. But it's through the photos that I can really see the growth and change. So despite all the difficulty and hard work juggling each of the roles mentioned above, it's nice to have pictures like this to look back on. So we may see the actual stages of growth our little one takes each and every day. So it was worth it to stop work and head out for a couple of hours. Enjoy the photos....

How nice would it be to actually have a real Fall season here like they do back east? I would love to take photos of the fall foliage.2890893640_c1b1df5a6d




Terrence doesn't like to sit still. You can tell he doesn't want to be on this rock.2890893854_b8748d8fe8

He would rather be running. Most of the time away from me though.


Of course a old train park will have old train rails. They make for great leading line to the subject of your photograph.


Upclose to one of the train. The red door makes for an interesting back drop.2890894220_cf38a5d6c8

Here's the view of the door in full. Close up with the fisheye lense.2890060173_fbf5ed8cd7


The back of another train. There's a sign right below Terrence's feet that says keep off. LOL2890894432_e993e4abb3


Scorcher today...


Been coupe up indoors for way too long. The office is too hot to work. Decided to take Terrence out to do some location scouting. I needed something rustic, woody with an old fashion feel to it. Turns out, not too far away from me, the old Poway area fits the bill exactly. It was way hot out today and I was sweating up a storm. Hard to take photos and also keep a watchful eye and good distance to your subject should he get into dangerous areas. Here are a few shots from our time out. Got more from this series. Let me know if you wanna see more.




Video of Terrence


Found this old clip of Terrence. Looking back at this clip back when he just got his first teeth. Didn't remember him being this chunky but I guess he was. :)

Terrence from David Mai on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For today's lunch...


Decided I wanted some Vietnamese crepe for lunch today. Easy to create the batter but instead of the traditional pork, I substituted some left over roast duck. Quick, easy, delicious meal. Yum!


Monday, September 22, 2008

The Pioneer Man...or Domesticated Man?


hehe...I thought the comment June left in my last post about mistaking my blog for the Pioneer Woman's blog was funny. What's funnier is that June knew about that blog and possibly follows it.

Those of you who know me know that I love food. It was once pointed out to me that some of the things I am most passionate about in life revolved around food. Eating is obvious one of those passion. I do feel like that leads me to have the knack for being able to whip together dishes from the meager left overs or the scarcest of ingredients, long forgotten in the back of the freezer or refrigerator. Is that pioneering enough?

Today, I saw that we have some fettuccine pasta, some roast duck, bamboo shoots and other greens. I decided to do a Roast Duck fettuccine noodles stir fry with bamboo shoots, scallions, bean sprouts, shrimp and basil. And all this for Terrence, which he happily devoured shortly after I took the photos and the noodles cooled off enough.

For myself, I took left over stock from Vietnamese sour soup and turned it into a delectable Thai Tom Yum soup with plenty of bam, bam chilies. One of which I accidentally chewed whole and burned me good. :) good.

Julie always wonders what I fed Terrence for the day because of the lack of dirty dishes or mess. I swear, I do feed the boy. I just like to clean up after myself. How else can we account for him continuing to grow so well and pooing like there's no tomorrow? ;)

A quick Tom Yum soup. I dropped about 10 chillies bombs in there. One of them got me good.

Here's a photo of Susan from her visit here a few weeks ago. My cousin Thao was testing out my 20D and took this awesome shot. Great angle and I love the feel of it photo. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not quite a meal...


For Terrence afternoon meal today, I decided to make a sandwich out of the homemade bread that one of Julie's clients baked for her. It's the tastiest bread and no way can you find that at your run of the mill grocery store.

Looking through the frig yielded some tasty ingredients for the sandwich. Growing up, I never regarded a sandwich as a meal because I was always so spoil with a hot 5 course meal each time we ate as a family. A sandwich by itself is merely a snack for the taste buds. Because of this, a sandwich is not worth making unless I put tons of stuff in it. I live to eat, not eat to live.

One tasty loaf of bread.

The ingredients, sans ham.3fded30000

One happy eater.0646534af8

Monday, September 15, 2008

More pics...


Here's some more photos of Terrence at the mall last Friday. I needed to return a few items at the mall and these are some snaps I capture of Terrence at play.







Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Mid-Autumn Moon Festival


Happy Mid-Autumn festival everyone. Fall is just about here. The air is definitely crisper at night and we are already thinking about purchasing more long pants for Terrence. He has already out grown the ones he had before. Love the cold weather because that means we can finally do a bit of layering here in So.Cal.

In celebration of autumn, here are a couple of photos from Friday's trip to the mall. These photos are processed to be more reminiscent of Audrey Woudlard's vibrant colors. Let me know what you think? I'll post the rest tomorrow.



Comparing growth...


Yesterday we planned to head up to LA to help great grandma with setting up the remembrance praying of the ancestor. But Julie didn't feel too well and had faint contractions. I think she's over working herself sometimes so I told her to just take it easy that morning and we'll stay home instead. That way I can get some work done as well.

I was going through photos and I saw a photo took of Terrence and his mom recently that reminded me of a previous photo I took of them when Terrence was about 6mo. What do you think? Does he look the same?



Just more photos from last week...


I just wanted to share some more photos from last weekend when Julie's sister Erica as well as my own sister Susan visited us here in San Diego. Erica brought Julie's mom and Susan brought my cousin Thao.

I think we all had fun just chilling at home and playing with Terrence. In this series of pictures, Julie just finished getting Terrence dressed so we can head out for some Pho.





heheh I like this one.06058f1648


Playing with a strawe5d2c18973

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Great Office War


I was looking around at other video sharing sites to evaluate which one does the best job in maintaining the quality of the video uploads. This video made me chuckle.

The Great Office War from Runawaybox on Vimeo.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Fun weekend


It must be the heat in LA. Susan and Thao, Erica and her mom found their way here to San Diego to visit. Since Susan and Thao got here in time for lunch, we took advantage of Julie's short day and headed out to La Jolla for a nice lunch.

La Jolla was absolutely gorgeous and was the perfect temperature and place to hang out for lunch, drinks and dessert. Love the first shot of Julie and I with Terrence. We love for kids to look at the camera, but I find that it's often more cute and story telling when the kid doesn't. Don't you agree? You can tell he did not want to pose for the picture but was rather interested in something else. :)



Terrence making his dad proud. Did I tell you this boy likes to eat?cdfe575289

Good looking...but horribly bad ceviche. 616014e62b

Midday cocktail. Feels like a vacation.5573efb144

Cheers...a toast to good times875e269bd4

The next day, Julie, Susan and Thao went over to Kenny's place for a little poolside play. Here is Terrence in the vest Susan just bought him. He loves the water.aa323e62e0

I am now wishing I was there instead of at home working to capture some of the images myself. All these taken with the point and shoot. Including the video.7e09b0317f

Wish we got more video as Terrence got used to floating weightless. Unfortunately, Julie's camera ran out of power so we only got a few seconds of video.