Friday, September 26, 2008

More of Terrence at the old Poway train park

I was inspired to sieze the day yesterday and get out for a couple of hours, explore some new shooting grounds and keep growing my skillset. It was definitely hard playing photographer, lighting assistant and watchful parent in the super hot weather. I was sweating like a pig. Terrence was running all over the place, so I couldn't get him lit up like I intended. And not to mention it was nearing his nap time.

Lil Terrence was able to run around, explore, get down and dirty and simply be a kid. He's definitely growing and looking more like a toddler everytime I look at the photos. To think he is barely 17months. Those of you with little ones of your own, they really do grow fast. It appears to me that they look the same each day. But it's through the photos that I can really see the growth and change. So despite all the difficulty and hard work juggling each of the roles mentioned above, it's nice to have pictures like this to look back on. So we may see the actual stages of growth our little one takes each and every day. So it was worth it to stop work and head out for a couple of hours. Enjoy the photos....

How nice would it be to actually have a real Fall season here like they do back east? I would love to take photos of the fall foliage.2890893640_c1b1df5a6d




Terrence doesn't like to sit still. You can tell he doesn't want to be on this rock.2890893854_b8748d8fe8

He would rather be running. Most of the time away from me though.


Of course a old train park will have old train rails. They make for great leading line to the subject of your photograph.


Upclose to one of the train. The red door makes for an interesting back drop.2890894220_cf38a5d6c8

Here's the view of the door in full. Close up with the fisheye lense.2890060173_fbf5ed8cd7


The back of another train. There's a sign right below Terrence's feet that says keep off. LOL2890894432_e993e4abb3


1 comment:

MattDJ said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your colors!! Keep up the awesome work! :-)