Monday, September 08, 2008

Fun weekend

It must be the heat in LA. Susan and Thao, Erica and her mom found their way here to San Diego to visit. Since Susan and Thao got here in time for lunch, we took advantage of Julie's short day and headed out to La Jolla for a nice lunch.

La Jolla was absolutely gorgeous and was the perfect temperature and place to hang out for lunch, drinks and dessert. Love the first shot of Julie and I with Terrence. We love for kids to look at the camera, but I find that it's often more cute and story telling when the kid doesn't. Don't you agree? You can tell he did not want to pose for the picture but was rather interested in something else. :)



Terrence making his dad proud. Did I tell you this boy likes to eat?cdfe575289

Good looking...but horribly bad ceviche. 616014e62b

Midday cocktail. Feels like a vacation.5573efb144

Cheers...a toast to good times875e269bd4

The next day, Julie, Susan and Thao went over to Kenny's place for a little poolside play. Here is Terrence in the vest Susan just bought him. He loves the water.aa323e62e0

I am now wishing I was there instead of at home working to capture some of the images myself. All these taken with the point and shoot. Including the video.7e09b0317f

Wish we got more video as Terrence got used to floating weightless. Unfortunately, Julie's camera ran out of power so we only got a few seconds of video.

1 comment:


great family pic.