Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Celebrating Thanksgiving...Black Friday


Our family, meaning my parents and Julie's parents, celebrate Thanksgiving on the weekend instead of the traditional Thursday evening most American family do. This afforded Julie and I the opportunity to catch up on some things as well as spend Black Friday taking Terrence out to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. While most people were out shopping the Black Friday deals, we enjoyed a nice/cheap lunch at Costco and headed over to the hidden Webb Park behind Pearl restaurant in RB.

There, Terrence got to take in the sight and make his typical furrow at all the ducks that wanders around. If you don't know what I mean, Terrence furrow his brow whenever he sees something new and is concentrating/focusing really hard. :D Anyways, the ducks at this park are pretty used to people. Often times, they walk up within arms reach of us. Kinda scary when you're sitting down at eye level with them. Or in Julie's case, standing up at eye level with them. LOL

Terrence was really enjoying himself. He loves to feel new texture and grass is one of those textures he is not quite familiar with yet. Usually after the initial feeling, he has to try and take a bite out of whatever he's touching for the first time. Kindda makes me proud as a father to see his appetite for everything. hahahaha

Awesome clear, blue sky day.224800798

What a cutie!!!224800836

Here Terrence goes...feeling and tasting anything new!224800846





I am loving the mood of this capture. Almost looks like it's out of a catalog of some sort. What they are selling? I don't know...clothes? hehee224800806

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Season changes...Fall colors


Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is around the corner. Fall is here and things are changing all around us. Even though living in southern California means those changes are not as obvious as the northern and eastern parts of the United States, changes are there if we look. Trees are changing their colors and some are losing their leaves. The air is more brisk in the day and especially at night. Terrence continues to change like the season. As the day grows shorter, Terrence continues to grow bigger. Here is Terrence on Saturday enjoying being outside - touching, feeling and tasting "Fall."



Monday, November 12, 2007

Nena's Surprise Birthday


Click on the picture to go to the slideshow. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's for the kids...


Trick or treat...smell my feet...give me something good to eat...how does that go? As we mature (read: get older), we let go of some of our fondest childhood traditions. Well, Halloween is one of those tradition that I have fond memories of and after talking to my friends that night, I am glad we get to relive some of that tradition through our kids. Why else would we dress up our babies in ridiculously cute outfits and drag them from door to door, loading their bags up with candies they are not even suppose to eat quite yet? The answer is, it's one part...for the kids, and two part...for the adults to relive some of those childhood memories and create new ones as a family.

Last night was so much fun. It was not planned, but some of the fun-nest nights are ones that start that way. The BTF family met over at Keo/Kat, Andy and Holly's place where Hung and Lynn brought Kaden to go Trick or Treating. With a group of 12 people, we set out to relive those childhood memories through our kids. Here are some pictures from that night.

Terrence's costume which his mom lovingly made. She made the wader that fisherman wear and a fishing vest.216058552

Everytime Terrence tries on the costume, he gets so happy. Here he is with the wader...and then the whole ensemble.216058557216058564

The Moms with their little trick or treating tykes.216058630

Some of the people handling out candies were so friendly. Like this gentlemen. The story behind this photo is that the man was showing Kaden a little pumpkin with a candle inside it. Kaden thought the gentleman was offering the treat so he reached in a grab the unlit candle. Look at the reaction from both moms.216058496

Earlier in the day, Julie took Terrence out to our local shopping center where the stores were giving out treats in celebration of Halloween. She got so many complements on how cute Terrence looked in his fisherman's outfit. This lady is enjoying it just as much as the others. So cute.216058497

Kaden with his aunt Holly. Kaden has been trained well by his aunt. He sometimes goes back for seconds. :)216058508216058526

After the fun, Terrence gets to be the center of attention.216058537216058545

Here's a few shots of Terrence getting familiar with his fishing gear. :)216058572216058597

What does a BTF member do when he does not succeed in catching fish????216058618

...well, he eats the bait of course. Terrence learns fast. :)216058603

Look at Terrence and his two new teeth216058600

Happy Halloween everyone. Thanks for making it so memorable.