Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Celebrating Thanksgiving...Black Friday

Our family, meaning my parents and Julie's parents, celebrate Thanksgiving on the weekend instead of the traditional Thursday evening most American family do. This afforded Julie and I the opportunity to catch up on some things as well as spend Black Friday taking Terrence out to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. While most people were out shopping the Black Friday deals, we enjoyed a nice/cheap lunch at Costco and headed over to the hidden Webb Park behind Pearl restaurant in RB.

There, Terrence got to take in the sight and make his typical furrow at all the ducks that wanders around. If you don't know what I mean, Terrence furrow his brow whenever he sees something new and is concentrating/focusing really hard. :D Anyways, the ducks at this park are pretty used to people. Often times, they walk up within arms reach of us. Kinda scary when you're sitting down at eye level with them. Or in Julie's case, standing up at eye level with them. LOL

Terrence was really enjoying himself. He loves to feel new texture and grass is one of those textures he is not quite familiar with yet. Usually after the initial feeling, he has to try and take a bite out of whatever he's touching for the first time. Kindda makes me proud as a father to see his appetite for everything. hahahaha

Awesome clear, blue sky day.224800798

What a cutie!!!224800836

Here Terrence goes...feeling and tasting anything new!224800846





I am loving the mood of this capture. Almost looks like it's out of a catalog of some sort. What they are selling? I don't know...clothes? hehee224800806

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want terrence's hat! where did you guys get it!