Saturday, December 01, 2007

Bath Time...

Terrence could very well be a fish. I am sure once he gets old enough to swim, he will be just as nimble in the water. Unlike his dad who prefer to stay above water with the only thing touching it is the fishing line. :)

Each time Terrence hears the water running as his mom draws his bath, he gets so happy. We try to keep his bath time short so he doesn't catch a cold, especially now being flu season and all. Now that it's colder, we make sure to turn on the heater as well to make the environment more comfortable. Here are some images from this morning's bath time.





All clean and getting dried off227512147


Unknown said...

Terrence, your so cute. I am going to buy you a rubber ducky toy to contribute to your bath time fun.

Anonymous said...

he already has a rubber ducky, he just forgot to bring it home with him. . . why don't u buy him a swimming pool later when he's old enough to swim.

so cute. . .he's come a long way since his first bath when he screamed his head off and turned red as a tomato.


his teeth are showing. so cute. i just pictures of Connor is the tub yesterday, too.