Saturday, December 20, 2008

Best Vietnamese sandwich?


We shall see. While driving through San Jose, Ham and I found this place on Yelp and seems to have pretty good reviews. We wanted something quick so a Vietnamese sandwich fits the bill nicely and allow us to explore the local ethnic eatery. San Jose's Tully, Capitol Expressway and Story Rd is full of Vietnamese eatery. Where the gems are is often difficult to make out if you are not a local.

***update: The sandwich is good. Couple of things about the state of Vietnamese sandwich. There's the, what I call original style that is serve using a single loaf of french bread. This is what I grew up to me, that's the original style. Then there's the newer style popularized by the likes of Lee's Sandwich chain of stores that is served using longer baguette that is cut into smaller section and removes the ends. I like both bread just fine, but my friend Ham thinks the original french bread loaf is the way to go. 

Houng Lan uses french bread with most of the soft inner bread removed to maximize the crunchiness of the sandwich and also to allow for more room for the meat and veggie. Ham said this deviates from tradition, but I personally don't mind either way. One Yelp reviewer said that he as been going to Houng Lan for over two decades and the sandwich are still the best. Albeit he's not quite as happy with the apparent price increase from $1 to $2.50. However he conceded that the price increase does not match inflation.

Houng Lan's bread taste pretty fresh, at least the somewhat light crunch suggest that the bread is relatively fresh. However, like all baked product, if you ask them to toast the buns till it's hot, you will be rewarded with bread like it's meant to be eaten. Traditionally, I remember Vietnamese sandwiches with a dash of soy sauce. This was missing from my first sandwich, but was easily remedied by asking them to add it. Some places put the soy sauce directly onto the bread and pate, but before putting in all the meat and vegetable. Houng Lan does it right by adding the soy over the meat. That way, the soy sauce doesn't just soak into the bread.

The only thing that puzzled me when I came in and looked at the menu was the absence of the Banh Mi dac biet So #1. That's usually the first item on the menu in the odd days. It translate to The #1 special sandwich. This includes both the traditional nuong meat and the cha lua meat. Number 1 at Houng Lan was the sandwich with just the nuong meat. Number 2 was the sandwich with the cha lua meat. So if you want the special style sandwich, simply order a number 1 and add the cha lua meat for an additional 50cents. I did it this way instead of ordering a number 2 and adding the nuong meat because I wasn't sure how to pronounce "nuong" properly. ;) Odd thing is, though the "dac biet" is not on the menu. The minute you add the cha lua, the reciept shows that you added the extra meat for 50 cent and refer to this as "dac biet." Not sure why they didn't choose to include this popular sandwich directly on the menu itself at the number 1 location where it belong.

Anways, having Houng Lan warm the bread till it's hot. Adding the soy sauce (if that fits your taste. Even without it, the soy smell and flavor is missing, but the taste was still good). Having them cut it in half. And finally, adding the extra meat took me back to the sandwich of my childhood. It was a good sandwich and I recommend this if you are in the area and crave a Vietnamese style sandwich.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Terrence at the park...


I have so much to take care of before the year end, including the last wedding of the year next week. So I was trying to stay away from spending time here. But since I already have these photos size appropriately for the web, I figure why not?

I took Terrence out to run around in the park on my way to Starbucks. Too bad there's no Tea Station by my house for a quick Boba run instead. About 20 minutes into the fun, I can hear Terrence panting really hard. I guess the grass hill did him in. It's nice at this age that he's able to climb and balance so well. He can now properly play on the playground set and slides without me fearing that he will take a bad fall. Additionally, with the wide grassy area...I can let him roam freely so that I can focus on getting some good action shots. I still have to keep a keen eye out for his attempt to eat any foreign object that may look tasty.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A few more pics...


Some pictures from this morning with grandma. She's holding lil.Jason while her mom is in her herbal sauna. Jason is 10 days old in these pictures and at the two to three week mark is when some acne appears. Baby Jason is starting to get some of that. He still has a little bit of the red marking on his forehead that he gain while coming out of his mother.

B/W always has a great feel to photos185da8ef20

But color photos are nice too.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just taken with my iPhone


Isn't Lil.Jason adorable?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Julie after sauna...


In the Vietnamese culture, the first month after a woman give birth is
spent nursing her back to health. This process is not only for the
immediate benefit but also for your well being 30-40 years from now.

As a part of that 1st months regime is the requirement that you do not
bathe or even touch water. To keep clean, you substitute bathing with
an herbal sauna. Julie Loves her hot showers, but admit to feeling
clensed after the sauna. Here she is following her first herbal sauna
as captured by my iPhone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Welcome to the world...


Making his grand entrance 7 days late, welcome to the world baby Jason. Weighing in at 8lb 3oz and 20 inches, baby Jason is doing super. Mom is thrilled that he is finally here and is doing super herself. We got to the birthing center at 9:30 PM and Julie was already 8cm dilated. Like I wrote earlier, babies usually come out about 10 cm. Not long after, Julie became 9.5 cm and then next thing I know, the baby was out. Official time is 11:05 PM on November 23rd. So looks like Jason and Tee's and Krystal's Benjamin will be sharing the same birthday.

We are all at home now and Julie is happy holding baby Jason and feeding him. My mom is already down here helping to take care of things and nurse Julie back to full health. Thanks mom!

Here are some photos of baby Jason.








Pho at 2AM


While Julie and the baby is sleeping, I went searching for some food. Found a Vietnamese restaurant in Hillcrest open till 3AM. Worth a try. Saigon on Fifth is probably the fanciest looking Vietnamese restaurant I've seen.

Check out the presentation of the traditional Vietnamese condiments. Nice.

Nice and romantic setting for one. :)

Here's the main entree. Rare steak Pho. Surprisingly, this is probably the best Pho broth of all the places I've visited in San Diego. Even at 2AM, the broth was clear and flavorly. No overuse of MSG like many other places. The wait staff even at this hour was pleasant and promptly took care of me. I wasn't expecting this. Even the restroom was clean and inviting. The Pho was about $9, which is to be expected. The portion isn't as hearty as a typical Pho restaurant. Despite these shortcoming, I would still recommend giving Saigon on Fifth a try.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Breaking News...


Julie started getting labor pains so we left the house at 9PM and went to the birthing center. The midwife said she was already at 8cm dilated. At 10 is usually when the baby is ready to come out.

She's currently at 9.5cm and the midwife just broke her water. Julie's been good so far. I am uploading photos to this post live.






Looking great at 9cm dilated. Julie's a real trooper.3054756075_9b4a923f36


More pictures soon. Baby's coming out now.

Thursday, November 20, 2008



Jumbo squid from the Korean store. My mom is in town anticipating the birth of my second son. So until he comes out, I get to enjoy some of my mom cooking. Here is some squid quickly blanched. It's so crunchy and cooked to perfection.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome into the world...Miia


After the labor, new mom Phi was able to shoot of an email with first pics of baby Miia. Weighing in at 7lb 11oz and long 23", Miia apparantly almost gave new dad Juha the one two punch to the mat. Mom and Miia are doing well. Juha is "slowly regaining his composure.(He almost passed out..." Mom's words, not mine. LOL

Thanks for sharing Phi and enjoy these precious time. Miia already looks like she has wonderful eyes and mom's nose.


Monday, September 29, 2008

More photos...


My wifey enjoyed the photos so much from the last session. She wanted to see more. So here are a few more from the same session. Enjoy!

Any hole, crevice or opening...and you're bound to see the head stick through it.2890621237_685e17d598


I am not certain what this wheel controls but Terrence spins it like he knows.

Another one in desat b/w. There's just a hint of color.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pregnant momma...Hot mamma....


Was in the studio working on high key lighting and what's a better subject than a pregnant belly. Here's a couple of grabs from the lighting test. When you're pregnant, your skin looks so healthy and it glows. Pictures help to commemorate the occasion. Isn't it fun to have a studio at home?



Friday, September 26, 2008

More of Terrence at the old Poway train park


I was inspired to sieze the day yesterday and get out for a couple of hours, explore some new shooting grounds and keep growing my skillset. It was definitely hard playing photographer, lighting assistant and watchful parent in the super hot weather. I was sweating like a pig. Terrence was running all over the place, so I couldn't get him lit up like I intended. And not to mention it was nearing his nap time.

Lil Terrence was able to run around, explore, get down and dirty and simply be a kid. He's definitely growing and looking more like a toddler everytime I look at the photos. To think he is barely 17months. Those of you with little ones of your own, they really do grow fast. It appears to me that they look the same each day. But it's through the photos that I can really see the growth and change. So despite all the difficulty and hard work juggling each of the roles mentioned above, it's nice to have pictures like this to look back on. So we may see the actual stages of growth our little one takes each and every day. So it was worth it to stop work and head out for a couple of hours. Enjoy the photos....

How nice would it be to actually have a real Fall season here like they do back east? I would love to take photos of the fall foliage.2890893640_c1b1df5a6d




Terrence doesn't like to sit still. You can tell he doesn't want to be on this rock.2890893854_b8748d8fe8

He would rather be running. Most of the time away from me though.


Of course a old train park will have old train rails. They make for great leading line to the subject of your photograph.


Upclose to one of the train. The red door makes for an interesting back drop.2890894220_cf38a5d6c8

Here's the view of the door in full. Close up with the fisheye lense.2890060173_fbf5ed8cd7


The back of another train. There's a sign right below Terrence's feet that says keep off. LOL2890894432_e993e4abb3
