Thursday, November 20, 2008


Jumbo squid from the Korean store. My mom is in town anticipating the birth of my second son. So until he comes out, I get to enjoy some of my mom cooking. Here is some squid quickly blanched. It's so crunchy and cooked to perfection.


Unknown said...

Lucky you, now Susan is left at home with Dad's cooking. Just kidding. Actually the dinner Dad prepared yesterday was quite impressive. He marinated pork and shrimp just for Susan. He cooked it early so I can pack some for lunch, and it was AWESOME. The perfect seasoning, with a good spicy kick-very tasty.So tell Mom not to worry, haha.

Unknown said...

One more thing, we're all waiting for the baby's arrival!


i'm waiting, too.

aren't you two supposed to be cooking for him?

Anonymous said...

Dude, my dad is quite a Martha Stewart!!

Ok, I wasn't waiting for the baby's arrival until today!! Yay, he's not going to be a Scorpio!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks so good! We had some awesome home cooked meals during our trip to Korea last month.