Friday, March 21, 2008

Found gold...

Well, not exactly but almost as good in Terrence's eyes. After coming back from WPPI, I learned that Terrence is now able to pick up Cheerios and put it into his mouth by himself. And now that he's one, we are fighting our parental urges to keep him safe and clean by allowing kids to be kids so to speak. One of his favorite new game is to go around finding nuggets of "gold" that we left for him around the room. Yea, it sounds gross to us adults...but Terrence loves finding the Cheerios and picking it up with his little fingers and then placing it into his mouth. He gets so happy. To help boost his immunity, we even allow him to eat off the ground. That will train his stomach to be able to withstand the hole in the wall eating establishments, with a "C" rating for "care," his dad often seeks out. This boy is made in the USA, but we'll harden him like he was a 3rd world child. :)





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