Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baby steps...

Terrence is so ripe to begin walking. Julie and I have always feel that it's best to allow a child to develop at their own pace as much as possible while in their early years. Eventually we will all go to school and then into society where we are constantly judged and compared with the status quo. We are taught to think and behave a certain way. All that is important to maintain a state of society that is not in constant chaos, but I think that a kid has the freedom and innocence to not have to worry about those man made concepts. So I feel it's important, no matter how tempting it is for us parents, to check ourselves and not constantly think our kid needs to always be better or do better than another kid. They will all get there in their own way. However, it is important that we are there to encourage and teach...but it is up to the child to process and discover in the childlike ways.

So to Julie and I, walking is one of those milestone in our Terrence's life that comes when it comes. And I just love being able to sit back and watch as he discover the intermediate mechanism for walking. That's always nicer be in his face trying to get him to walk all hours of the day. That would be tiring for me and for him. It's wonderful to see all the little subtle things he learns. Like simply learning he can prop himself up on his own or learning that his feet doesn't have to always be on the ground all the time in order to maintain an upright state. It's so cool to watch all that.

But it's always amazing how quickly Terrence picks up a skill. It feels like I literally shows him something and his focuses very intently. Next thing you know, he's doing it. Yesterday, I felt that Terrence is balancing quite well, so I had him try to walk while his mom was busy downstairs. When she came up, we demonstrated that he can take about 4 steps with balance. It was so fun to watch him take his baby steps...but it's hilarious when you see him try to run or leap into your arms as he nears you. So he took some good steps. Ones that I consider actual demonstration of the ability to walk. Where you see him re-balance himself mid way and fight attraction of gravity. The crazy thing is, later that evening, he was not only walking..but he was able to stop mid way, swing around on one feet and head the opposite direction. Julie and I look at each other dumbfounded that he can do advance maneuvers like that so shortly after taking his first steps earlier in the day.

Hopefully the following video comes through:

Terrence Baby Steps from David Mai on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

awe... the little bambino if growing up so fast~!

Unknown said...

Good Job Terrence!

Unknown said...

That it! I'm going to teach him how to run...a way for the border patrol while fishing. I know daddy don't how to do that. LOL



yay terrence! so cute.

Anonymous said...

He may be able to walk, but he won't be able to run from his uncle's bite!