Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Faces and patience...

A couple of days ago, Terrence started making a funny face as he smacks his lower lips. The facial expression only last for a split second and I really wanted to capture it on camera. We think it may signal him starting to teeth or he's just finding a new way to entertain himself. Either way, one must have patience in order to capture the expression. Often times, I would see it, but by the time I press the shutter button, the expression is gone. So, sometimes, you just need to anticipate and press the button before you see it to capture the moment.

Here he is sitting in a new toy that his uncle Terry bought for him. The seat turns 360 degrees so Terrence is free to rotate from one toy station to the next. You should see him pounding away on the little buttons that makes noise and music. He's so strong and so content at mashing those buttons, I am afraid at what he may do once he's more mobile. However, I am sure with his parents instruction and his great mannerism, Terrence won't be such a terror. Hey, let a guy dream ok? Don't burst my bubbles yet.

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I LOVE this second picture.
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Terrence really looks like an oinker in this one. Check out his nose. :D
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A shot of the under side...you can see zig zaggety ridges that helps to stimulate his tactile feeling underneath his foot. But also make sure to check out the ridges on Terrence's fat thighs too. LOL
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