Thursday, March 22, 2007

Second peaceful

Terrence's second day and he looks so peaceful after getting dress for his pediatric appointment early this morning. The first night was difficult for mom as she was up every couple of hours to feed and in between that, change diapers. As new parents, you are force to learn to anticipate and communicate, all in an unspoken and almost primal way. But did you know that there is a secret language of babies? A lady name Priscilla Dunstan went on the Oprah Winfrey show to explain that at the age of 4, her parents discovered that she has a photographic memory for sound. She could hear a Mozart concert and play it back, one note at a time. This very special ability made her realize when she became a mom herself that her baby's pre-cries had the same pattern relating to what they wanted. It's suppose to be a natural reflex of babies, regardless of race or ethnicities. However, if parents don't learn those pre-cry words/sounds, the baby eventually stop using them. Here are a few samples:

Neh="I'm hungry"
Owh="I'm sleepy"
Heh="I'm experiencing discomfort"
Eair="I have lower gas"
Eh="I need to burp"

New parents, with our past experiences must rely on them to react and cater to the babies' needs. Being a new mom, despite the lack of sleep the night before and the painful labor and birthing process, you don't get much sleep the first night. The experience is just too new and raw. I speak from my observation of my wife. I guess you react to every sound coming from your new baby. Like the baby and their sound reflex above, it's a natural instinct I guess all good mother exhibit. But my friends who have gone through all this say, your baby will be a baby for a only a short time, and those time passes by so quickly. Eventually you'll long to go back to the mornings like today, where your baby is resting so peacefully and content. Enjoy the picture.

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Baby Terrence rest peacefully before his scheduled doctor's visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can get the DVDs for the Dunstan Baby Language from her website -
We bought ours when we had our son and found it a godsend - especially being able to watch the dvd over again when we needed help with a word or two. Very helpful for us new parents. Let us know how you get on.