Friday, March 30, 2007

Newborns Sleep A lot

Newborn babies sure do sleep a lot. But that's actually a welcome thing, ask any parents. I love Terrence in his sleep. Sometimes I sneak into the room while mother and child are both fast asleep and just sit there and watch. Terrence always does the funniest things in his sleep. He would be sleeping so peacefully, like in these pictures, but then out of the blue throw up his hands and legs into the air like he's doing some type of aerobic exercise. Then they slowly drop back to his side before going totally limp. It's so funny to watch and took me by surprise the first time I witness this. Maybe I'll try to capture some of that the next time to share. In the mean time, here are a couple of pictures of baby Terrence sleeping soundly in bed and in his car seat.

So cute sleeping with his tongue sticking out
In his cool green Chicco car seat

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