Monday, August 25, 2008

Working from home and infomercial...

So working from home has a lot of advantages. Besides being able to watch your baby grow up and be able to take a break to play with him whenever he's being too cute, I also get to have the TV on to keep me company. With the Olympics on for the last two weeks, it means I was tuned in to NBC and watching their awesome coverage of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This is wonderful on the dual monitor computer when I don't have a need for work to take up the second monitor.


This morning, I was watching the Today show and afterwards saw a infomercial for a hair shampoo/conditioner that is interesting. I know infomercial products are a dime a dozen by I was wondering if any of you have tried out the product. According to the creator, ordinary shampoo clean your hair by using chemical that not only remove the dirt but also the natural oils that keeps your hair beautiful. Then one would apply conditioner afterwards to help repair some of the damage done by shampoo.

There is a new product call Wren which uses natural ingredients to clean your hair without the damage. Sounds pretty typical of any new hair product. But the infomercial was well done. So give it a watch and let me know if you have had any experience with this product or know of any other hair product that is great and want to share.

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