Monday, July 14, 2008

Potty Training Time

A couple of weeks ago, Julie and I started training Terrence to go poo on the toilet. The whole experience was foreign to him of course but in the beginning it's more trying to get him used to sitting on the toilet seat more than anything else.

This is another one of those exercises as parents that can really test your patience. Often times, we give up and put the diaper back on him, only to have him go poo in it a few minutes later. However, the training is starting to pay off as he is more willing to sit on the toilet and are more consistent in getting him to go in it when we catch him at the right time. For Terrence, this is usually after his morning meal.

These snaps were taken on day two of potty training. We're lucky we have a second toilet in our bedroom so we have it dedicated to training Terrence.







1 comment:


i never thought i would be saying this to someone who's sitting on a toilet going poo, but he's so cute.