Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catching up...

Hey all. Finally got the last of my to do list for the biz out of the way so I won't feel too guilty spending time on this blog. Side note... if you guys know anyone in need of a wedding photographer, make sure to send them to DavidHam - the blog or the site: DavidHam Photography We promise to take good care of them and they will absolutely love their photos.

So I am still playing catch up. Here are some photos of Terrence on on April 24th. So after he turned one, we started to introduce him to more regular type food. He still doesn't have all his molars yet so that prevents us from giving him anything that requires actual chewing. But even with the lack of molars, he does a great job of most things we put in his mouth.

Take for example this sandwich. Ham, fried egg, bell pepper, onion, lettuce and tomatoes sandwiched by two slices of wheat with mayo and mustard to top it off. I quartered the sandwich into bite size pieces and off we go. He loves it! He started doing his wiggle and feet tapping whenever he eats something that pleases him. And this sandwich pleases him greatly as he was dancing in his high chair. Check out the sequence below. And his sign language for "more" is clapping of the hands.


Here is two of the four pieces.2436121948_9a53988ea5


Putting the few teeth he has to good use. He loves to bite down on his food.2436121948_e56415764b

Always biting more than he can chew.2436121948_9847e3c902


Look how happy he is2436121948_788d2b9451

His sign for more. If you ignore it or don't respond fast enough, you'll get some grunts. And if you delay further, he'll act like a possessed demon. Time between the happy to the fast as 1 sec. He's starving...can't you tell?LOL2436121948_bfb0c393b4



Unknown said...

so you bypassed the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and went straight to a grown-up gourmet sandwich. . can't believe he likes it. . .truly a pig! grandparents and auntie are proud!

Unknown said...

Now that's a real sandwich, no wonder he likes it so much....I would too!


baby + food = (always) happy baby