Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Life and lost...


I am so sad right now. This morning, Julie and I woke up to news that our poor dog Abbey did not make it through the night. Julie noticed that in the last two days, Abbey seem to be sick. However, we thought it was due to the new treat she gave her. She threw up, but she's done that before whenever she eats something strange. She always bounced back. But after seeing how weak she got yesterday, Julie called around to find a Vet to take Abbey to. The vet put her on IV and wanted to monitor her through the night. We got a call this morning and found out this morning she did not make it. The vet said that she pass due to a kidney infection. He wanted to know about her parents because he thinks it could be congenital. However, due to the way we acquire Abbey, we did not have that family history. Julie mentioned that she seem so healthy and strong prior to this. The vet said that sometimes with a kidney infection, it's hard to see signs other than if she has a need to drink lots of fluid and urinates a lot. She has always drunk lots of fluid before and urinated that out, so it was hard to gauge here.

All this serves to really bring into light the concept of life and lost for me. To many people, a dog is a dog, an animal. But when you have a bond with something, it doesn't matter much what that is. The lost of that bond is still that...and you realized that the time you have together is really short. Try as you might...you can't wish for those moments back. But moving forward, we take these tough losses as life's tough lesson and we learn to become better people ourselves. The next time we get frustrated or angry towards a love one, we need to allow these hurtful memories help to remind and temper the way we react to that love one. I guess learning and doing this helps to memorialize those who have gone on and give sweet meaning to their life, even if they are a dog. Rest in peace my sweet Abbey. :~(


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am SO sorry and sad to hear that. I will always remember her as a lovable, entertaining, and happy dog, filled with life and zest--she always put a smile on my face. And yes, this just serves as another reminder that we should always cherish each day that we are here and all the special and loved ones in it. I love you David, Julie and Terrence! -SN

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear about Abby. We will all miss her so much. She was such a smart,hyper and friendly dog.

Nergock said...

David, I was just checking out your blog and read the sad news regarding Abbey. I am very sorry for your lost. I've never had the luxury of meeting Abbey but judging from the kind of person that you are, I am sure Abbey was a wonderful dog. RIP.

Anonymous said...

As you know, I'm always busy. I have been and still am. I haven't had a chance to check your blog until now and just learned about Abbey. I'm very sorry about Abbey and I know she meant a lot to you and your family. Pets are loyal, faithful friends. They become part of the family and develop unique personalities. They offer unconditional love and show that love daily. Of course we grieve when they die. The loss is immense and the void felt is great.....
.....May memories of the fun you shared, bring you gentle comfort.....