Sunday, October 07, 2007

Saturday morning bike ride...

Another weekend ride, this time with a larger group and new faces at Penasquito trails. Like all other BTF events, this one was not without it's interesting element that makes it's memorable. First off, our friend Tee from the LA area is in town with his bike so he joined the group. Phong and Florence was also able to make it and Phong even brought a long his coworker Dan to join us.

Penasquito trails is pretty tame compared to some of the other trails we have been ridden in the past. Still, the Monica's bike had some trouble with shifting. So she pretty much rode the entire way with essentially one-two gears. To make matters worst, during her ride, some sort of bug flew and hit her in the lips. If that was enough, it stung part way through the ride, her lips started swelling up. Reminds me of Bubba from Forest Gump. :)

Next up was Keo and he awesome new bike. However, the machine may not be man enough for the rider as he was able to bend a link on his bike chain, causing it to be undone and putting some painful scratches on his bike's read swingarm in the process. Ouch...sorry, it always hurts the first time Keo. However, as you can see in the picture, a passing biker had a link tool that he helped to get the chain back into a ridable position. Beats having to walk the bike back to the car. At least there was no major spills this time around.

Eleven of us made it out for the morning ride. Welcome Dan.



Here, the passing mountain biker seen wearing the Qualcomm jersey, helps to reattach the bike chain.

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