Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goose Egg - Good baby?

As many all of my friends and family are aware, Julie is entering her seventh month of pregnacy. I don't know where this comes from, but apparently, eating a goose egg helps to birth a child that is smart and easy to raise. Hey, anything to help along that line is worth a try. So yesterday, Julie and I drove up to Dana Point to pick up a couple of goose eggs my mom had purchased for Julie. This morning Julie boil the first one for 20 mins like my mom instructed and consumed it. I keep threatening to take one and make an omlette out of it and eating it for myself. You all know how I like to experience the taste of new food. I have never ate a goose egg before, so the thought appeal to me. However, I did not want to get an flack from my mom about taking food away for a yet, unborn I was satisfied with just a taste. :) Hard to tell from the picture but the goose egg is significantly bigger than normal chicken eggs we are all accustomed to. I'll try to put one of each side by side next week when she cooks the second goose egg. What do you guys think? Have you heard of goose eggs being good to eat during pregnacy?

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The goose egg

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Julie taking a bite of the egg

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Halfway done...and she said it taste great. No smell or anything weird taste at all

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Looks like she's enjoying it too much...I need a taste as well!

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All done...and it didn't taste bad at all

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