Saturday, September 25, 2010

The two boys...

Just sharing a couple of snaps of the boys. They are growing up way too fast. Terrence has been attending preschool twice a week for a 3hrs each day. Julie volunteers every other week. I think it's a cool experience to be able to watch your kid in class. This year, there is an imbalance in that there are 12 boys and only 3 girls.

Terrence is towards the bigger end of the scale among the boys. The kids who aren't quite 3yrs old yet are accompanied by a parent while attending class until they are 3 yrs of age. This past Thursday, Julie said it was a rough start to the morning. It's been three weeks and there is one kid who still isn't quite used to going to school. He cries every time and the poor parents don't know what to do. That's ok, it isn't gonna always be this way.

Then there is another kid who just turned three, so it'll be her first day without the parent. She too cried once she realized her parent wasn't coming with her to class. Julie said that all the commotion made some of the other kids look like they wanted to cry too. The teacher with each crying kid in each hand had to walk them to class. But to make the morning even better, the teacher forgot the gate keys. So they all had to trot through the main office, with crying kids and not crying kids in tow. What a scene. Julie said Terrence had a look on his face of not quite sure what to do. From what Julie has witness, Terrence is ever helpful in class. During snack time, as the kids finish up their food...he picks up after them and make sure the trash goes into the right place. When other children are crying, he tries to give them something to calm them down. I think this is because he is the bigger brother to a little one at home. The standing rule is, Terrence is suppose to watch out for Jason. And if Jason cries, then he's can get into trouble too. LOL
Speaking of which...Jason is growing slowly...but surely. In recent days, he's been eating much more and isn't as picky. That helps lift a heavy burden on us and I hope it continues. Sleep wise, he has settled into a routine so that's nice. Before that, sleep time was difficult. So we're glad that phase is far behind us. If we can put some more meat on his bones, we would be happy.
Jason is at the stage where he mimics everything. Sounds, gesture, etc. So sometimes Terrence does things 3yr olds can do and gets in trouble for it because Jason isn't quite able to perform those feats yet. i.e. jumping off a couple steps isn't that big a deal. However, doing it in front of Jason who will likely mimic it is a problem. Oh well, boys will be boys and I try to maintain the fine line of parenting and giving them the independence we had when we were kids. It was definitely a different world back then. Nowadays, us parents are so overbearing. :)

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