Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Humerous moment...

There are so many moments that are just funny that I wish I had a picture of so I can share. This is one moment this morning where the mom happen to walk in at the right time.

Jason woke up early as usual, and after exhausting all the things that can keep him occupied while the rest of the house sleep. I gave him my iPhone with Baby Einstein playing. Since he's now quiet and I couldn't get back to sleep...I pulled out the iPad to catch up on the day's tech news. At one point in time, I peeked out from my Google Reader to realize the humorous nature of this moment. My photographer's eye allowed me to envision the look of the scene from a 3rd party's perspective. Luckily a 3rd party peeked into the office at the right time to capture the moment for posterity.

Just had to share.


p.s. Reminds me of the first day I got the iPad. I brought it home and Terrence, the 3yr old saw it and exclaimed with excitement..."Biiiiiggg Phonnneee!" as he pointed to the iPad. Given the criticism of many, dismissing the iPad as a big iPhone or iPod Touch, I couldn't help but laugh and give the little booger a huge hug. Well, at least I can say the short sightedness of some of the the iPad's critics are inline with the thinking of a 3yr old. LOL


Ham said...

so funny, love this photo, j with the little phone, daddy with the big phone, haha LOL

Unknown said...

LOL... yup that your son.