Saturday, April 17, 2010

Contently playing...

There's nothing I enjoy more than my kid contently playing by themself. Here, Jason just woke up from his afternoon nap and is contently playing in my office while I finish up some work. It's these moments that make the sometimes blurry line between work life and home life in a home office wholly acceptable. :)

Definitely my boy. J likes anything soft and fluffy. Here, he found the pillow shortly after waking up and goes up to it and plop his face down on it. It's so cute to watch because his butt is usually sticking up in the air and he repeats the steps multiple times. Joy as a father is when you witness, see something the little one does and want so much to be able to share that moment with others. I could only grab a few shots from the camera. There are so many times I wish I can share video. These moments are waaay to fleeting.
His cousin Calvin loves Thomas and Friends. J is following that lead and was content playing on his own. So cute so I had to snap a few photos.
When he sees Thomas on TV, he goes "choo choo." You can see him doing that in the second image. I think he learn that from his cousin.
Thomas is the number 1 train. According to the show, he's the "cheeky" one. Whatever that means.
Can you believe this little on is 17months already? My, how time flies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Calvin said "Em Jason play choo-choo.....& crash"
Soon you will know the names of all the Thomas friends too!