Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just taken with my iPhone


Isn't Lil.Jason adorable?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Julie after sauna...


In the Vietnamese culture, the first month after a woman give birth is
spent nursing her back to health. This process is not only for the
immediate benefit but also for your well being 30-40 years from now.

As a part of that 1st months regime is the requirement that you do not
bathe or even touch water. To keep clean, you substitute bathing with
an herbal sauna. Julie Loves her hot showers, but admit to feeling
clensed after the sauna. Here she is following her first herbal sauna
as captured by my iPhone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Welcome to the world...


Making his grand entrance 7 days late, welcome to the world baby Jason. Weighing in at 8lb 3oz and 20 inches, baby Jason is doing super. Mom is thrilled that he is finally here and is doing super herself. We got to the birthing center at 9:30 PM and Julie was already 8cm dilated. Like I wrote earlier, babies usually come out about 10 cm. Not long after, Julie became 9.5 cm and then next thing I know, the baby was out. Official time is 11:05 PM on November 23rd. So looks like Jason and Tee's and Krystal's Benjamin will be sharing the same birthday.

We are all at home now and Julie is happy holding baby Jason and feeding him. My mom is already down here helping to take care of things and nurse Julie back to full health. Thanks mom!

Here are some photos of baby Jason.








Pho at 2AM


While Julie and the baby is sleeping, I went searching for some food. Found a Vietnamese restaurant in Hillcrest open till 3AM. Worth a try. Saigon on Fifth is probably the fanciest looking Vietnamese restaurant I've seen.

Check out the presentation of the traditional Vietnamese condiments. Nice.

Nice and romantic setting for one. :)

Here's the main entree. Rare steak Pho. Surprisingly, this is probably the best Pho broth of all the places I've visited in San Diego. Even at 2AM, the broth was clear and flavorly. No overuse of MSG like many other places. The wait staff even at this hour was pleasant and promptly took care of me. I wasn't expecting this. Even the restroom was clean and inviting. The Pho was about $9, which is to be expected. The portion isn't as hearty as a typical Pho restaurant. Despite these shortcoming, I would still recommend giving Saigon on Fifth a try.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Breaking News...


Julie started getting labor pains so we left the house at 9PM and went to the birthing center. The midwife said she was already at 8cm dilated. At 10 is usually when the baby is ready to come out.

She's currently at 9.5cm and the midwife just broke her water. Julie's been good so far. I am uploading photos to this post live.






Looking great at 9cm dilated. Julie's a real trooper.3054756075_9b4a923f36


More pictures soon. Baby's coming out now.

Thursday, November 20, 2008



Jumbo squid from the Korean store. My mom is in town anticipating the birth of my second son. So until he comes out, I get to enjoy some of my mom cooking. Here is some squid quickly blanched. It's so crunchy and cooked to perfection.