Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Time doesn't stop-stopping Time...

Besides cheering you up with their antics and cute are a reminder that time marches on and each new day should be cherish. Looking through Terrence's closet this morning, I found an outfit that he received a long time ago but never got a chance to wear.

So before he outgrows it, on him it goes and some quick snaps in the studio and outside for remembrance sake. You know...just in case I find myself in the distance future...packing away the outfit into a box and wondering at what point in time, he could have fit into an outfit that small. Because time doesn't stop, unless you have a snapshot of it.

So proper...but with a casual side.bb49751960


Stand there and smile is hard for a little boy to do, but ask him to jump...and it's all smiles.59b4f25d2e


The question was, "where is daddy?" I am not entirely sure he's pointing at me.11ceb7762c



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